Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Living in the past.

The subject of today's topic is going to be regret. We have all had a time or two, where we have done something we regret. Moreover, I'm sure we have all said something we regretted later.

Regret is defined as "to feel sorry, disappointed, or distressed about". Regret in my opinion is one of the worst feelings you can have. My reason for saying that is because as the definition says it is something that you feel sorry, disappointed or distressed about.

Those are never good things to live with. Being disappointed or distressed about something does not make a good day. That being said, I would like to make a suggestion.

I believe that regret is something you do not have to live with. You have heard it in movies people saying live with no regrets. I would like to say that is something we should do! Live with no regrets!!!

Now, you must be asking, how exactly is that possible? I believe that regret is a way of feeling bad for something said or did. Not just feeling bad for it but dwelling on it is what makes it what it is. That is what causes distress.

Try something new. When you do something that you may regret, replace that regret with learning. Do what you must to make it right and learn from it. Don't live life with regret, live life learning. They say you learn something new everyday. I say you can learn something new every action.

Have a blessed day all.